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Amendment of Pleasure Grounds Regulation to step up control of noise nuisance in parks

Background / The amended Pleasure Grounds Regulation / Music activity to the annoyance of other persons /
Receive reward for music activity / Requirements to be complied with on music activity ( applicable to designated venues )

Requirements to be complied with on music activity (applicable to designated venues)

Tuen Mun Park, Tsing Tin Playground, Butterfly Beach Park, Pui To Road (South) Rest Garden, Hung Lau Sitting-out Area, Hoi Sham Park and King Wan Street Playground
Subject to the provisions of the Pleasure Grounds Regulation (Cap. 132BC), any person may carry out in this pleasure ground a music activity that complies with the following requirements-
Sing songs without using amplifier(s) or loudspeaker(s).
Operating or playing any musical or other instrument with built-in loudspeaker(s), the total sound-emitting area of the musical or other instrument being not larger than 200 cm2.
Operating or playing musical or other instrument without using external amplifier(s) or loudspeaker(s).


A person must not carry out in this pleasure ground a music activity that does not comply with any of the above-mentioned requirements unless the person has obtained written permission from the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services to do so.

A person who contravenes any of the above-mentioned requirements commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 3 (HK$ 10,000) and to imprisonment for 14 days.