The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) recruits lifeguards on civil service terms, as well as on non-civil service contract terms according to seasonal and operational need for providing life-saving service at its public swimming pools, gazetted beaches and water sports centres. This page provides general information on LCSD lifeguard recruitments. For further details on lifeguard duties, you may also visit the Government Youth Portal.
(1) Artisan(Beach/Swimming Pool)
(2) Artisan(Lifeguard at Water Sports Centre)
Master Pay Scale Point 5 (HK$19,535 per month) to Master Pay Scale
Point 8 (HK$23,585 per month)
Schedule of Recruitment
The new round of recruitment has commenced in October 2024. For more details, please visit the “Jobs Available” column on our website or refer to relevant recruitment advertisement/vacancy circular.
(1) Seasonal Lifeguard
(2) Contract Full-year Lifeguard
Seasonal Lifeguard is remunerated from HK$22,100 to HK$23,100 per month depending on the working venues. Contract Full-year Lifeguard is remunerated from HK$22,400 to HK$23,500 per month. Upon satisfactory completion of contract, subject to satisfactory performance and conduct during the contract period, both positions are entitled to end-of-contract gratuity.
Schedule of Recruitment
The recruitment exercise of Seasonal Lifeguard will be conducted from around December to August every year. Applicants may also submit their job applications before the recruitment advertisement for the next swimming season. Such applications will be processed when the recruitment exercise for that swimming season starts. For more details, please visit the “Jobs Available” column on our website or refer to relevant recruitment advertisement/vacancy circular.